Sunday, January 10, 2010

Chiropractic State Associations - One lawsuit from going out of business

I serve as exec. director for Assoc of NJ Chiropractors. We have 1600 members (60% of members). We unified 6 years ago and have had major soon-to-be and completed accomplishments ie expand scope; class actions on Aetna/BCBS; Supreme Court decision to win back extremity adjusting, etc.

My concern is most state assoc are hurting financially and fewer and fewer doctors are members supporting. I understand the typical reasons why BUT...have you considered that a state association is the only entity in a state positioned to fight the fight on your behalf as a practicing chiropractor? It's not the Board of Examiners; they are there to protect the general public, not you.

If I was representing a payer and wanted to destroy state assoc, it was be easy. Most of them are one law suit away from going broke. I would make a change in claims handling that undermines what you do; then force you to seek a legal remedy and in no time you're out of business because the monies gone. I realize this is harsh but tell me what I'm missing. - Sig


  1. Sig got it right! We are providers who need to get paid for our work by people who consider paying us to be against their own interests! Keep us divided and conquer us by inches - it works in war and it works in NJ. A united DC profession would be a formiable enemy. Think of the ANJC as a microcosm of what could be accomplished across the USA. Why did we get scoped passed after 47 years? It was becasue for the six years of its existence ANJC made it a priority. The AMA is perhaps too powerful but the ACA is not powerful enough mostly due to the indifference of DCs across the country. Doctors, make the scope legislation a wake-up call - we must be united!

  2. Sig, you got it. The only way to level the playing field against payers is to stand united in any way possible. One of the bast ways is the state association. Joining a billing network is another... ;)
